
Membership FAQs

  • Who are TSA members?
    • Any student who is benefiting from TSA services and materials must be an active member of TSA.  For example, if TSA materials are being used in a classroom, then all students in that class must be rostered TSA members. Alternatively, all students who participate in a before or after school TSA chapter must be rostered TSA members.

  • How do TSA chapter advisors access the competitive events guide?
    • Once a TSA chapter’s affiliation is complete, the chapter advisor will receive an automated email with instructions on how to access TOTAL TSA and the competitive events guide. TSA chapter affiliation is complete when payment or an approved purchase order is received by the national TSA office.

  • Does a TSA chapter need to have 10 members to affiliate?
    • Red CAP is TSA’s minimum level of membership and pays for up to 10 members. TSA chapters may affiliate as a Red CAP with fewer than ten members and add up to 10 members during the year at no additional cost. This allows chapters to have access to TSA materials to support and enhance their career and technical education (CTE) curriculum and enrich student engagement.

  • What membership category is best for a TSA chapter?
    • TSA chapters with up to 10 members should choose Red CAP.
    • TSA chapters with 11 or more members should choose White CAP.
    • Blue CAP is unlimited membership and is beneficial for large TSA chapters with more than 35 members (the number varies based on state dues).
  • What if a TSA chapter is unsure of membership numbers for the school year?
    • If a TSA chapter is unsure of how many members it will have for the school year, it should affiliate with the minimum number of interested students. You may add student members throughout the year; you will be invoiced at the time you add them. Please note, once a student member is added to the TSA chapter roster, they are a TSA member for the year, and their name may not be removed or replaced with another student's name. 

  • How can TSA chapter members be added?
    • TSA chapter advisors can add members at any time throughout the year by logging into their chapter account, and selecting "Add Students."  When a Red CAP chapter adds members beyond 10, it is automatically converted to a White CAP chapter, and an invoice will be generated for the additional members. Blue CAP chapters may add members at any time at no additional cost.

  • If a member drops out of a TSA chapter during the year, can another student be substituted?
    • Once a student name is added to the chapter roster, that student is a TSA member for the year. Substitutions or refunds for membership are not permitted.

  • Do TSA chapter advisors pay a fee?
    • When a TSA chapter affiliates, there is a national $10 advisor fee for all registered advisors, plus any applicable state advisor fees. If an advisor serves at more than one school, the advisor fee will be charged per chapter. The TSA chapter advisor must be a registered state-certified educator (typically, the school technology and engineering teacher).

  • What is the membership term?
    • Membership in TSA is for each school year, starting when the TSA chapter affiliates for the current school year, and ending at the conclusion of the annual National TSA Conference.
  • How can TSA chapters convert to a Blue CAP membership?
    • If TSA chapters experience a large growth in membership numbers, they may convert easily to a Blue CAP membership at any time throughout the year. TSA chapter advisors can log in to their chapter account and click on "Convert to Blue CAP" for instructions.

  • Can a school have more than one TSA chapter?
    • Schools may have more than one TSA chapter provided that the chapters represent different levels—middle school and high school.  Separate membership dues must be paid for each TSA chapter. Once affiliated, TSA chapters only have access to the competitive events guide for their level.

  • Can homeschooled students be members of TSA?
    • TSA does not exclude homeschooled students from becoming TSA members. However, membership in TSA is strictly through school-affiliated chapters in a local, state-registered education district. Home-schooled students may join one TSA chapter in their community with the approval of the school’s administration.

  • Can virtual schools have TSA chapters?
    • TSA membership is limited to “brick and mortar” schools, and is not available for virtual or online education programs.

  • How do TSA chapters qualify for priority membership?
    • In order for TSA chapters to qualify for priority membership, they must affiliate by the designated date (typically on or around November 15th). Priority membership TSA chapters receive a gold seal affiliation certificate, a small gift as a token of appreciation, and uninterrupted membership service.

  • Is there a national deadline for affiliation?
    • TSA chapters may affiliate at any time throughout the school year. Affiliated chapters may add members at any time during the year. However, many states have affiliation deadlines in order to compete at state TSA conferences.

  • What are the affiliation policies and membership dues?
    • Affiliation policies and state and national membership dues can be found in Affiliation and Dues.